The Greens' agenda is unapologetically ambitious.
The ACT Greens have broadly welcomed this year’s Budget, including major investments in Justice Reinvestment, a strong Health agenda, and continued investment in sustainable transport.
However, for the Greens, the scale of our agenda is unapologetically ambitious. We cannot simply make decisions based on what’s easy or what’s popular - we need to consider how best to address the needs of our Canberra community today, and in the future.
That’s why we believe Budgets need to go further to address the needs of our Canberra community for today and for future generations—especially in areas of transport, housing and climate.
Canberrans want a budget which faces up to the big challenges and delivers the benefits of today, tomorrow and beyond - with both a vision and a strategy of how to get there.
If we’re to deliver for the people of Canberra - and for future generations, ‘business as usual’ and the ‘politics of old’ won’t cut it.
Over the past ten years, in holding the balance of power, the Greens have shown that we aren’t afraid of tackling large-scale challenges. Through our role in Government, we play a key role in helping shape the Budget. We’re investing where it matters, taking our lead from our community on the ground and from the experts and the evidence, to ensure our city delivers for the many, not the few.
This Budget takes clear steps to achieve this vision, and provides a stable strategy in response to the federal Liberal Government’s neglect of the ACT. But there’s still more that we can do to ensure that we’re delivering for future generations.
2019-2020 ACT Budget - the highlights
Highlights in this year's ACT Budget include:
- Funding for the planning of Stage 2 light rail, from City to Woden, an important step towards the Greens promise of a quality light rail network right across Canberra.
- 17,000 trees will be planted over the next four years - an important step towards the Greens demand for an additional 7,000 street and park trees annually to address climate and the heat island effect.
- The Greens are committed to building communities—not prisons. This week we announced a $70 million investment to end the prison cycle and keep our community safe, including $13.0m for establishing a Justice Housing Program. The Greens welcome the Government’s commitment to build housing for people engaged in the criminal justice system.
- The Greens have consistently led calls for drug use to be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue. As part of our justice reforms, we’re pleased to see additional investment in drug and alcohol services to help tackle addiction funded in this year’s Budget.
- We’re committed to ensuring that everyone can access the right healthcare services, at the right place, at the right time. This week, we announced some $24 million in additional funding for mental health services, and welcomed a new walk-in centre for the inner north as part of a key Greens health platform.
- Stepping up the ‘war on waste’ to finally address food waste and organic waste which we must stop going to landfill.
- As part of a progressive and compassionate government, we are also pleased to see ongoing investment in support those who may not be receiving all required supports through the NDIS.
- Almost $9 million will be invested over 4 years for additional building quality compliance work, which should significantly improve the Government’s performance in making sure buildings are properly built.
2019-2020 ACT Budget - potential improvements
Budget must be framed around climate change and environment
While this Budget makes some investments in climate change initiatives, in a climate emergency, much more will be needed.
The Greens are calling for urgent and increased action on climate change. Last month the Legislative Assembly agreed that we are in a “climate emergency”. This acknowledges that all of us, ACT included, are facing a climate and ecological breakdown. Our responsibility is to act now on these issues for future generations.
One of the great benefits of taking climate change action is that it also builds a liveable, healthy and sustainable Canberra - with investments in initiatives like trees, sustainable transport, and new energy technologies. It also will reduce future costs to the government and the community.
While this Budget makes some important investments in climate change, it is still not yet consistent with addressing the climate emergency. The Greens will be looking to ensure that future budgets are framed around climate change, and invest in measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
In coming months Greens Minister for Mental Health Shane Rattenbury will release the Government’s Climate Change Strategy to 2025, marking another significant phase of climate action in the ACT.
A Canberra transport system that works for everyone
The Greens have a vision for a world-class public transport system in the nation’s capital to create more liveable communities, improve our quality of life and reduce pollution and congestion well into the future.
It has been great hearing about the upsurge in public transport use with Network 19. If this continues, the next Budget will need a surge in spending to meet demand.
We will need more buses, more funding for light rail services, and probably even more light rail vehicles.
That said, we need to stop investing in long lasting, polluters - like diesel buses. The Greens would like these to be the last diesel buses this Government buys; to face our climate challenge, every purchase from now on must be zero emissions technology.
We also need to introduce real demand- responsive transport, so that people who can’t get to a bus route – which may be further from home than before - can still get around.
There is a need to address issues of safety and accessibility for the last mile - the distance between home and public transport stops. This includes ensuring that transport, streetscapes and footpaths, housing, and suburban infill meets community standards for accessibility and safety and that this is tested by the people with relevant lived experience, such as people with disability and women.
The Government will spend around $140M on roads. This isn’t the way to build a sustainable city; imagine what this $140M could do if it were invested in genuine sustainable transport solutions.
Fairness and Rates Reform
Delivering a long-term vision for our city means making sure that we’re supporting all Canberrans: not just those at the ‘top end’.
The Greens support the Government’s overall tax reform package, but we believe there’s still so much more than can be done to make it fairer.
The ACT Greens support the overall revenue shift from stamp duty to rates, but we need to keep the rates system fair while tax reform continues over the next 10 to 20 years.
That’s why we believe that rates should be taxed based on your property value rather than just land value, making rates fairer for all members of our community.
Housing for All
The Greens are working to ensure that all Canberrans can access safe, secure and affordable housing.
The Greens today welcomed the inclusion of 80 new public housing properties and 60 new community housing properties in the Budget’s Indicative Land Release program.
The Greens would now like to see these blocks gifted or sold at a discounted rate to allow these community housing providers to deliver better housing outcomes.