
New ACT Director of Public Prosecutions

21 March, 2024 - Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury today announced Victoria Engel SC will become the next ACT Director of Public Prosecutions and commence in th...

New environment report damning about the impact of greenfield development

21 March, 2024 - Today, the ACT Government has released the 2024 State of the Environment Report, showcasing the dire need for legislated city limits to stop en...

New law to further reduce the number of poker machines in the ACT

21 March, 2024 - The ACT Government has taken another important step toward further reducing the number of poker machines in the Territory. The Parliamentary...

Urgent steps needed to protect Canberra’s unique environment

21 March, 2024 - Today, the ACT Government has released the independent 2023 State of the Environment Report, prepared by the ACT Commissioner for Sustainabilit...

Connect with Canberra’s history at the Heritage Festival

20 March, 2024 - The annual Canberra and Region Heritage Festival is back with more than 120 events planned to learn about Canberra’s history from exhibitions a...

Greens move for health approach to vaping

20 March, 2024 - ACT Greens MLA, Laura Nuttall, will this week move a motion calling on better supports for young people who vape.   “Nicotine - whether...

Government tests market for “central monitoring system” to reduce gambling harm

18 March, 2024 - The ACT Government is testing the market for technology to reduce harms associated with poker machines. A four week ‘market sounding’ commen...

ACT Government boosts support for retirement village residents  

13 March, 2024 - The ACT Government has announced a $25,000 grant to the ACT Retirement Villages Residents Association (ACT RVRA) to enhance support for retirem...

Canberrans choose ACT Greens leadership team

13 March, 2024 - Shane Rattenbury and Rebecca Vassarotti have been elected the Parliamentary Leader and Deputy Parliamentary Leader of the ACT Greens, in an Aus...

New Territory Plan a ‘missed opportunity’ to address housing and environmental crises

13 March, 2024 - Greens MLA Jo Clay says an inquiry into the new Territory Plan shows the Government should have gone further, faster to boost housing in existi...

Colouring book set to inspire an environmentally conscious generation

8 March, 2024 - Today the ACT Government in partnership with the Molonglo Conservation Group, is launching a colouring book to inspire a generation of environme...

Men made climate change, women are going to fix it

7 March, 2024 - Today, women from the ACT Parks and Conservation Service will come together to celebrate their important role in changing how the ACT Government...

More pharmacies join UTI treatment and contraceptive trial

7 March, 2024 - Approximately one in six community pharmacies in Canberra now offer treatments for uncomplicated urinary tract infections and a resupply of thei...

Sustainable Travel Street Party coming to the streets of Braddon

6 March, 2024 - On Sunday 24 March, sections of Mort and Elouera streets in Braddon will be transformed into a street party showcasing sustainable travel and fe...

Drumgold v Board of Inquiry outcome

5 March, 2024 - On Monday 4 March 2024, the ACT Supreme Court handed down its decision in the matter of Drumgold v Board of Inquiry. Mr Drumgold was successf...