
ACT Greens condemn Liberal backflip

11 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens have condemned NSW Liberal leader Mike Baird's greyhound backflip and vowed to take all action necessary to make sure it doesn...

ACT Greens’ business boost

10 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens have announced a package of initiatives to empower Canberra businesses to achieve positive economic, social and environmental ...

More community housing for Canberra

10 October, 2016 - The Greens today announced the final element of their plan to make housing more affordable in Canberra with a significant investment in commu...

Putting people before pokies

10 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens have announced an ambitious plan to put people before pokies with mandatory pre-commitment, $1 bets, and a major reduction in ...

Greens launch plan to support Canberra's artists

9 October, 2016 - ACT Greens Arts spokesperson Indra Esguerra today released the Greens $19 million plan to support Canberra's artists and creative industries. ...

Greens sign historic parliamentary agreement

9 October, 2016 - Shane Rattenbury and Caroline Le Couteur ACT Greens MLAs Today we signed the Parliamentary Agreement with the Labor Party to form governme...

Improving Justice in the ACT

8 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens are announcing a $11.2 million commitment to tackle the drivers of crime, featuring a specialised Alcohol and Other Drug Court,...

ACT Greens will invest in Canberra’s cultural diversity

7 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens have announced their plan to invest in Canberra’s multicultural communities and ensure that all Canberrans have equal rights an...

Homelessness has no place in Canberra

7 October, 2016 - The Greens have announced a comprehensiveplan to tackle homelessness in Canberra. The centrepiece of this package is a $20 million commitment ...

Canberra Liberals must not abandon ACT's clean energy target

6 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens are calling on the Canberra Liberals to come clean about their plans for the ACT's 100% clean energy target, in light of Malcol...

Greens commit to level playing field for sport

6 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens will put the community first by investing in sporting facilities, grassroots sporting events and sports promotion to keep Canbe...

Greens slam Canberra Liberals' health lies

6 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens have slammed the Canberra Liberals’ secret health plans after Jeremy Hanson was forced to come clean about their plan to shut d...

Housing developments for people, not profits

6 October, 2016 - The ACT Greens have announced a landmark plan to put people, not developers, at the centre of housing. “This plan is about putting the communi...

Canberra Liberals must act after lifeline takes plebiscite related calls

5 October, 2016 - Veronica Wensing, ACT Greens spokesperson for marriage equality, has condemned the Liberal Government'sa ppalling plebiscite legislation and c...