Andrew Braddock

Member for Yerrabi

representing gungahlin.

Andrew Braddock MLA is a Member for the Gungahlin based seat of Yerrabi, elected to the ACT Legislative Assembly in 2020.

Andrew is motivated by the need for urgent action on climate change to secure a safe future for his children and future generations. He is proud of the steps Canberra has taken to secure 100% renewable electricity, but understands that there is much more to do. 

He has worked as an environmental engineer and a public servant, and often thinks of how things could be done better. He is also active in the community, having worked as secretary of the Gungahlin Community Council, and deputy chairman of his local primary school board. Andrew is looking forward to using these skills to help create a better future.

As a resident of a new suburb that swelters through the summer due to a lack of tree cover, Andrew understands the need for more tree planting, green spaces and shading across Canberra suburbs, as well as neighbourhood upgrades to make our suburbs safer and more liveable. 


You can watch Andrew's inaugural speech to the Legislative Assembly below, or click here to read it in full. 


Member for Yerrabi
Deputy Speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly

Andrew's Portfolios

Climate Change Adaptation
Democracy, Integrity and Public Service Transformation
Municipal Services
Emergency Services
Multicultural Affairs

Parliamentary Office

GPO Box 1020
Canberra ACT 2601
Phone (02) 6205 0225

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Latest from Andrew

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Current Campaigns

Let's Make Our Buses Come More Often

The Greens want a turn-up-and-go bus network that you don't have to plan your entire day around.

Fight for Equitable Climate Action Now

The ACT Greens want to push for equitable climate action to create sustainable future for every Canberran.