HOUSING FOR PEOPLE, not for profit

Housing is an essential service and key to living a life with dignity. But right now, more people than ever are struggling to put a roof over their head.

For decades, Labor and the Liberals have used tax breaks to rig the housing market into a way to build wealth rather than a way to provide a safe and secure place to live.

In Canberra, the public housing wait list is 3000 people long and growing. Meanwhile, rent is so ridiculously high that even on $80,000 a year you’re brokeThe private housing market has failed. 

'Housing for people, not profit'

Buld & Buy 10,000 Public Homes

Canberra needs publicly-owned, affordable and high-quality homes. 

For decades, Labor and the Liberals have used tax breaks to rig the housing market into a way to build wealth rather than a way to provide a safe and secure place to live.

The two old parties have finally woken up to the crisis, but they're handballing the solution to the same developers that created the housing crisis in the first place.

The only way to fix the housing crisis is for the government to step in and make change. 


  • Establish a publicly owned developer and builder which will build and buy 10,000 new public homes over the next ten years
  • Create a prefabrication manufacturing hub for public housing
  • Initiate a pilot project for homeowners to sell their homes to the government for use as public housing
  • Create more accessible and secure homes for people with disabilities
  • Fund Housing ACT to be a landlord of choice
  • In-source and adequately fund repairs and maintenance for all public housing properties.

Read our plan to build public housingRead our costing


'Unfair rent increases should be illegal'

Freeze Rent Increases

Renters deserve to be able to live in a home that is comfortable and affordable.

At the moment, the ACT ranks among the most expensive places to rent in the country. In Canberra, rent is so ridiculously high that even if you earn $80,000 a year, you’re broke.

This rental crisis is a result of policies by Labor and the Liberals that treat homes like a lucrative investment mechanism, not a human right.

The ACT Greens will freeze rent increases for two years and then cap rents at two percent to provide stability and affordability for renters.


'Building more homes & protecting the environment'

Change Housing Rules

The future of our city depends on building more homes while protecting our natural environment.

But Labor and the Liberals are making it seem like we can only choose one: housing or the environment. The truth is, we can have both. 

As the only party with a plan for a sustainable and vibrant city, the ACT Greens will build quality homes close to where we work, where we eat and where we play - without paving over our precious parks and green spaces. 

If we build more houses in the suburbs we already live, we can deliver quality homes for Canberrans. Even better, we can do it faster than building on the edge of the city.