ADHD significantly impacts the lives of 1 in 20 Australians. Approximately 90 percent of Australians with ADHD are estimated to lack a formal diagnosis, support, and/or medication. Getting support shouldn't be limited to those who can afford it.
The significant response to an ADHD community survey launched by the Office of Senator Jordon Steele-John in October of 2022, established the need for a government investigation.
In early November 2023, the Senate Inquiry into assessment and support services for people with ADHD concluded, publishing its report and recommendations.
Through campaigning together, the Greens and the ADHD community secured some huge victories. However, there are also some critical aspects that the major parties failed to address in the report recommendations.
People with ADHD have been systematically denied healthcare for far too long. The ADHD community deserves a prompt and meaningful response from the government.
Join now to transform ADHD support in Australia by ensuring the report recommendations are implemented and the report's shortcomings are addressed.