What We Have Achieved

Going further and faster on climate action and equality 

The Greens have bold plans to freeze rents, cut the cost of living and stop new coal and gas projects.


We have pushed the government to take up our policies through campaigns and electoral and parliamentary pressure.

Climate Action

Phase out coal and gas and power Victoria with 100% renewables

Housing and Cost of Living

A fair future where everyone can afford their rent, mortgage and groceries

Protecting Nature

Protecting and restoring Victoria's precious wildlife and getting plastics out of the ocean

Housing and COST OF LIVING

  1. Soon it will be illegal for landlords to accept more than the advertised rent when people apply for a property, or to kick out renters without a reason. This follows years of campaigning by the Greens, and will make it easier to get into and hold onto a rental property.
  2. The Greens negotiated laws which give councils and owners’ corporations the power to limit short stay accommodation in their communities, to free up some of the 48,000 entire homes on Airbnb in Victoria for long term renters.
  3. We showed that state governments have the power to cap supermarket profits for everyday essentials, by introducing a bill to Parliament.
  4. Federally, the Greens have secured $3 billion for public and affordable housing, making housing more affordable for everyone.
  5. Through our negotiations in Parliament the Greens made the tax on empty homes stronger, meaning up to 5000 more empty homes could be available to renters.
  6. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, the Greens secured a ban on evictions and rent increases.
  7. In 2021, the Labor Government adopted our 2018 election policy for a Developer Tax on land value gains from rezoning.
  8. The Greens initiated a parliamentary inquiry into Labor’s demolition and privatisation of public housing.

Climate action

  1. We were a key part of the campaign which secured a solid commitment to renewables in Victoria, via a legally-binding Renewable Energy Target.
  2. We helped shut down the ageing Hazelwood power station, which was the most polluting coal power station in the country.
  3. The Greens campaigned with the community and got a ban on toxic gas fracking in Victoria.
  4. Our 2022 election commitment to stop connecting new homes to expensive, polluting gas became law in 2024. Going all electric will save homes more than a grand a year.
  5. The Greens successfully campaigned to stop the East West Link toll road from ripping up Royal Park and further contributing to climate pollution from thousands of cars.
  6. We campaigned alongside Traditional Owners and community groups and stopped a gas exploration project which would deafen whales with seismic blasting.
  7. We secured legislation to strengthen Victoria’s ‘net-zero’ target by requiring independent verification (to protect against dodgy offsets and carbon capture claims)
  8. We helped stop gas companies from being able to offer cash incentives to homes that install gas. 
  9. Greens amendments will ensure that profits from the SEC go back into renewables.


Protecting nature

  1. Together with First Nations, environmental and community groups, the Greens achieved an end to native forest logging.
  2. After years of campaigning by the Greens and others, we now have a ban on single-use plastics, including plastic cutlery, plates and polystyrene food containers.
  3. After the Greens-initiated a parliamentary inquiry and years of campaigning, the Greens secured the container deposit scheme, which refunds 10 cents when you return bottles and cans.
  4. We secured land tax exemption for properties with covenants to protect wildlife, which increased the number of protected bushland properties by more than 100.
  5. We supported the local community and Traditional Owners to successfully reject plans for an environment-wrecking open-cut mineral sands mine in East Gippsland.
  6. After campaigning for a decade on the impact on both horses and safety, in 2021 the Greens secured a ban on horse-drawn carriages in Melbourne’s CBD.
  7. The Greens led the charge for a single-use plastic bags ban in Victoria, introducing legislation to Parliament, with Labor finally committing ahead of the by-election in Northcote (which the Greens won).
  8. After the wombat culls were revealed in 2019, we pushed in parliament to protect wombats and were successful in getting wombats to be declared a protected species across the entire state.


✔️ Stopped Victoria supporting genocide

The Greens helped stop Victoria’s part in the genocide in Gaza by revealing that Victoria had a secret deal with the Israeli Ministry of Defence. After raising Palestine everyday in Parliament, the government has now committed to not renewing the MoU.

✔️ Saving lives with pill testing

The say no to drugs approach hasn’t worked. We first introduced a bill to allow festival goers to check their drugs for unexpected substances in 2017. Victoria now has its own pill testing scheme.

✔️ More support for maternity care

In 2021, we led a campaign to win $13 million extra for midwives and Victoria’s public maternity system.

✔️ Fairer fines

We secured fairer COVID fines for people on low incomes. For the first time in Victoria, people on lower incomes did not pay the same sized fine as the wealthy.

✔️Protecting women’s reproductive rights

The Greens have always been on the forefront of ensuring women’s reproductive rights. In 2008, Greens MP Colleen Hartland was the first MP to reveal she had had an abortion and advocated strongly for reforms to make abortion legal in Victoria, which we helped pass parliament. 

✔️Cutting pokies losses

The Greens used their power in the Parliament to set the default daily loss on the pokies at $50, so gamblers’ families lose less. We also negotiated to secure stronger bans on ATMs in pokies venues from 2012, which significantly cut gambling losses.

✔️ More accountability for ministers

After years of campaigning for this, ministerial diaries became public in 2024, so we all know who powerful ministers are meeting with.

✔️An overhaul of our broken recycling system

For many years, the Greens were the only party calling to fix our recycling system. When the system fell into deep crisis in 2018-19 and recycling was being dumped in landfill, we established an inquiry and helped achieve separate glass and food waste bins for households, funding to boost the recycling industry and ensuring that recycled materials get used in infrastructure projects, like roads.

✔️ Improved public transport

The Greens have always campaigned strongly for more frequent, reliable public transport and safer, better bike infrastructure. Through strong electoral and local campaigns, we secured significant upgrades of South Yarra Station and an upgrade of facilities at South Kensington Station, one metre minimum passing laws for cars overtaking cyclists to help keep people safe, and bike lanes on St Kilda Road, and we will keep fighting for more.

✔️ Reform to political donations laws

The Greens don’t take donations from big corporations or vested interests, like big property developers and the gambling industry. But the two old parties do. For years we have campaigned to stop corporate influence over government policies by banning corporate donations to political parties. In 2017, in the lead up to the Northcote by-election (which the Greens won), the Victorian Government announced it would cap donations to political parties to $1000 per year.

✔️ Safe injecting rooms established

The Greens have continuously and courageously advocated for these vital health services for drug users, because our policies are based on evidence. In the lead up to the Northcote by-election in 2017, the Labor Government finally backflipped on its long-term position and committed to a safe injecting service. Since it began in 2018, it has saved dozens of lives and reduced ambulance call outs.

✔️ Dying with dignity laws

The Greens campaigned for compassionate deaths for terminally ill people for a long time, first introducing a bill to achieve this in 2008. Along with Dying with Dignity Victoria, we kept this issue on the agenda and our first action after the 2014 election was to introduce a motion for policy reform. A parliamentary inquiry was established and we were successful in influencing the members of the inquiry to recommend law reform. This reform was finally achieved with a conscience vote in 2017.

✔️ WorkCover for firefighters with cancer

For years, the Greens stood alongside firefighters and unions calling for automatic compensation for firefighters who contract work-related cancer. WorkCover for cancer was almost impossible for firefighters to obtain and it was impossible to prove the exact cause. After years of campaigning, including the Greens introducing a bill in 2008, the legislation passed in 2019 to enable firefighters to get proper WorkCover.

✔️ Secured divestment of State Government funds from tobacco

The Greens believe government investments should be ethical. In 2013 we pressured the Victorian Funds Management Corporation, which manages the Victorian Government’s investments, into divesting $200 million dollars from the tobacco industry.

✔️ Shipping containers moved off trucks and onto rail

The Greens, together with the local community, have campaigned strongly to get dirty diesel trucks off local streets in the inner west of Melbourne, and to connect the Port of Melbourne with rail for moving freight. Thanks to this pressure, the government announced curfews for container trucks on some residential streets, and made connecting the port to rail for moving freight part of the port lease requirements.

✔️ New schools for students

The Greens have pushed to ensure our kids have the schools they need to get a quality education. Local Greens MPs successfully campaigned with the community for new schools to be established in Prahran and the Docklands.


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