Our branches are part of the Greens grassroots approach to democracy
Joining the Greens Party means having access to a local Greens branch. Based on local government areas, these hubs are vital avenues for our members to talk about politics and policy, join local campaigning, keep up to date with local issues and have direct access to Greens representatives.
Most of all, local Greens branches are a way for our members to join like-minded people, fellow Victorians who are also passionate about progressive Australian politics. Greens members are extraordinary people, and by providing them with the space to foster proactive political and social change, the Greens aim to instil a long legacy of making a difference in the community.
All Victorian Greens members are automatically members of the Australian Greens. Being a part of our growing party means together, through the principles and aims of the Greens, we can stand up for what matters.
About Boroondara branch
Boroondara Greens have achieved great results in recent years. We have changed the once safe conservative seats in our area. We now have a very good chance of success in the next Federal and State elections.
Our achievements
In the last few years, Greens in Boroondara have:
Elected the first Greens councillor to Boroondara council in 2020, despite lockdown restrictions which made traditional campaigning very difficult.
Achieved 44.3% of the two party preferred vote in Kooyong at the 2019 federal election, causing the sitting member, Josh Frydenberg, to have an 8.24% swing against him.
Changed Kooyong from a safe Liberal seat to one that is now within our reach.
Helped re-elect Janet Rice as our Senator in Federal Parliament.
Won 18.26% of the primary vote in Hawthorn in the 2018 State election
Our plans
We have a busy few years ahead. We aim to:
Elect the first Green from Boroondara to the Federal parliament
Promote Greens policies in our area.
Hold current political representatives to account, particularly Kooyong's local member Josh Frydenberg, who is the Federal Treasurer.
Organise many fun and interesting events to build our support base, raise funds to run strong election campaigns and to connect with other progressive voices across our local area
Our People
Come and join our winning team
It’s an exciting time to be part of Boroondara Greens. Join our friendly, committed team as we plan for the upcoming Federal and State elections. You can choose your level of commitment. Some people spend a lot of time helping, others just occasionally. It all helps and it all matters. You can help us make history at the next election. Get in touch with us now and be part of the change we need.
Join the Boroondara Greens and come to our monthly meetings
When: Second Tuesday of every month 7.30pm
Where: Hawthorn Library, 584 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn 3122 Map or via Zoom
Contact: boroondarabranch@vic.greens.org.au
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