The Greens' Plan for Victoria

The Greens have a plan to make big corporations pay their fair share so we can provide the things we all need for a better future.

Justice for First Nations. 100% renewable energy by 2030. Building affordable homes. Making renting fair. Reducing the cost of living. Restoring integrity to politics. LGBTIQA+ equality. Protecting animals. And more.

EXPLORE the Greens' plan for Victoria

Treaty & First Nations Justice

Treaty, truth and justice

100% renewable energy

Replacing coal and gas and supporting workers

Make housing affordable

A home for all

Protect the environment
Reducing the cost of living

and creating quality jobs

Public schools and education

Genuinely free public schools

Fixing our health system

so everyone can access health care

Climate-friendly Transport

Reducing transport emissions

Restoring integrity to politics

Holding the major parties to account

Gender Equality

Equality for women and gender diverse people


Ending discrimination and harm


Supporting artists and our creative sector

Together, we’re powerful.

With more Greens in parliament, we can tackle the climate crisis, make housing affordable and hold the major parties to account.