Hi, I'm Angelica
Your Greens candidate for the Prahran by-election!
This by-election, your vote is powerful.
This is a close contest between the Liberals and the Greens, Labor’s not running.
But you still have to vote. If you don’t vote, the Liberals will win.
The Liberals will push up rents, make it harder to buy a home, give more money to big corporations and take away the rights of our diverse community. This is not who we are.
If you want positive change, we need more voices outside the two major parties.
Both major parties are backing unlimited rent increases, pushing up house prices and giving tax breaks to property investors, and expanding climate-destroying fossil fuels – including gas drilling near the 12 Apostles.
The Greens are working to freeze and cap rent increases, lower the cost of food with price caps on essential groceries and push for real climate action – no more coal and gas.
In the February by-election, vote Greens to keep the Liberals out and push Labor to act on the housing, cost of living and climate crises.
If you want positive change, we need more voices outside the two major parties.
The Greens are working for you. For:
- A freeze and cap on rent increases
- Cheaper groceries: cap prices on essentials
- Real climate action – no more coal and gas
- Save public housing – stop Labor’s sell off of public housing