Green Issue

Newsletter of The Greens (WA)

Vol. 29, No. 4
August 2020


Born with the Bomb

Born just before nuclear weapons, haunted by them through life, but dream to see them dismantled in my lifetime

Outliving Nuclear Weapons

Has the ongoing nuclear weapons standoff really prevented another world war, or are we just lucky, so far?

Fear and Despair

Searching for a sane and healthy response to nuclear and climate crises

Nuclear Issues and Greens

The issue of nuclear disarmament drew together various environmentalist groups in the 1980s, resulting in formation of The Greens (WA); and there’s still plenty

Stop digging it up

The global nuclear trade begins in Australia with uranium mining

Banning the Bomb

The nuclear weapon ban treaty nears entry-into-force

Mayors for Peace

Local government definitely has a role to play in nuclear disarmament and engendering global peace

From our MPs

Rachel Siewert’s August Update

Time to step down, but plenty to do during this critical time and before I leave the Senate

Alison Xamon’s August Update

In a number of areas, there is increasing concern about the lack of transparency in Government processes

Robin Chapple’s August Update

Still dealing with the Juukan Gorge Cave destruction, and further threats to our northern environment, such as fracking

Diane Evers’ August Update

Ending native forest logging, preventing river damming, reviving railways and generally working towards regional regeneration

Tim Clifford’s August Update

Confronting cash for access and the need for rental assistance

Find historic Green Issues here: Green Issue Archive

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Published by The Greens (WA) ABN 41 747 355 722, 91/215 Stirling St, Perth, WA 6000

Contributing editors Chris Johansen, Rob Delves, Julie Scanlon, Max Larkin, Anthony Pyle, Andrew Bromley. Technical advice Pete. 

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of The Greens (WA).