Green Issue

Newsletter of The Greens (WA)

Vol. 29, No. 2
April 2020

Green Issue: Editorial April 2020

A focus on COVID-19

COVID-19 ‒ A GP Perspective

Observations from the front line on how we are managing this pandemic

Emergencies and Emergencies

The contrasting responses of the Australian Government, and many other governments for that matter, to COVID-19 and climate change

This Whispering in our Hearts

The Bushfires and COVID-19 remind us that we aren’t separate from nature and able to dominate it to satisfy our every desire

Coronavirus Impact on Climate Change

Reflections of a climate activist: into hiatus but with optimism about converting action on a pandemic into effective action on climate change

Housing and COVID-19

In addition to the usual social justice aspects of evictions there are now compelling public health reasons to stop them

Rachel Siewert’s April Update

At long last, a rise in Newstart (as Jobkeeper), but fighting to keep it and advocating for those overlooked in the pandemic stimulus packages

Jordon Steele-John’s April Update

Despite substantial relief and stimulus packages instigated by COVID-19, many needy people have fallen through the cracks – we are working hard to remedy that

Alison Xamon’s April Update

Reacting to the COVID-19 crisis, in the areas of mental health, family and domestic violence, disability, education and internees (asylum seekers and prisoners)

Robin Chapple’s April Update

Helping communities in the pandemic emergency, scrutinizing the Government response, but otherwise confined to the computer

Diane Evers’ April Update

Adjusting to COVID-19, while not forgetting our environmental concerns, and looking ahead to a better future

Tim Clifford’s April Update

The immediate need is protecting the economically vulnerable, but not forgetting climate action, and bringing it all together in a Green New Deal

Find historic Green Issues here: Green Issue Archive

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Published by The Greens (WA) ABN 41 747 355 722, Level 1, 440 William St, Perth WA 6000.

Contributing editors Chris Johansen, Rob Delves, Julie Scanlon, Max Larkin, Anthony Pyle, Andrew Bromley. Technical advice Pete. 

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of The Greens (WA).