Green Issue

Newsletter of The Greens (WA)

Vol.32, No. 4

August 2023


Robodebt: Reform and Algorithms

The injustice of debt collection from welfare recipients via Robodebt has been exposed by a Royal Commission

More Democratic Workplaces

Although Workplace Democracy is a natural fit with our Social Justice Pillar, it’s only given minor reference in our relevant policies

Déjà Vu All Over Again, Again

After the debacles of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, Australia is gearing up to following the USA into another inevitable debacle – a war with China

What about your Neighbour's Trauma

Facts can be lost in translation and mislead people, often intentionally, if it suits the politics of the day

From our MPs

Dorinda Cox's August Update

Approaching the Voice Referendum in October I have been attending various First Nations events and highlighting some of the issues affecting First Nations People

Jordon Steele-John's August Update

Plenty of opportunities to get out and about in public. Also immersed in senate inquiries into dental services and ADHD at hearings in Perth.

Brad Pettitt's August Update

Action on housing, urban planning, climate, environmental protection, Aboriginal cultural heritage, youth justice and remembering Hiroshima

Find historic Green Issues here: Green Issue Archive

Please find a list of all Greens (WA) contacts here: 

Published by The Greens (WA) ABN 41 747 355 722, 91/215 Stirling St, Perth, WA 6000

Contributing editors Rob Delves, Chris Johansen, Tamsyn Heynes, David Lumsden, Beverley Dight, Damian Brennan. Technical advice Pete. 

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of The Greens (WA)