This is the Climate Change Election

There is increasing public concern about climate change, and other forms of environmental damage, but this needs to translate into votes


By Viv Glance, Curtin Greens

The number of people joining climate actions and environmental movements across the world is growing: Extinction Rebellion, Schools Strikes, Doctors for the Environment, We Don’t have Time, Australian Parents for Climate Action, March for Science, Stop Extinction and many, many more. And this is what is making this May’s election the Climate Change Election.

Finally! I can hear many of you say.

As Greens members and supporters, I expect you are aware of these groups or even actively involved with some of them. For years, we’ve been concerned about the environment, the changing climate and the future of our planet. And been taking part in rallies, signing petitions, voting Greens. But since the release of the 5th Assessment IPCC Report at the end of 2018, the message seems to be getting through and people are realising that the clock is ticking louder and louder.

However, not everyone is hearing. WA is fortunate to have many wonderful precious places, including our woodlands and forests. But the current WA Labor government recently joined with the Federal Coalition government to renew the Regional Forest Agreement, putting many High Conservation Value Forests are at risk.

Senator Rachel Siewert, Alison Xamon MLC, and Curtin Greens candidate, Cameron Pidgeon, recently attended a Forest for Life workshop in Subiaco to add their voices to protecting these unique forests. It was heartbreaking to hear that the majority of old-growth timber from these forests will end up as woodchip and shipped to places like Japan. Very little of it (around 10-20%) ends up as timber.

As Greens we must continue to demonstrate our commitment to a cleaner, greener, fairer community. We can do this by supporting events that call for real action to protect the environment, such as the Schools Strike 4 Climate that was held on May 3rd in Stirling Gardens: see

Or the Forests for Life March from Yagan Square to Parliament House on 4th May at 12pm: see: Forest Rally Parliament House

Please join people like Rachel, Alison and Cameron to help save these precious places and the life they sustain. The Forests for Life march also marks the anniversary of the 1999 signing of the first RFA which spurred many people to protest.

Let’s not forget the past, and how the actions of the past twenty years have further damaged this essential habitat for endangered wildlife such as Cockatoos, Numbats and Western Ringtail Possums. As well as a home for wildlife and plants, forests and bushland are the lungs of the Earth and play an essential role as a carbon sink, so cutting them down make no sense at all.

Along with supporting the protection of forests in the South West, we need to fight to keep our urban bushland, too. Many people in our community are alarmed at the rate of clearing of bushland and want this to stop.

Recently Green Fire Science released a website that tracks which species are endangered BY ELECTORATE! Check out your electorate and let people know that the loss of biodiversity is really close to home. GREEN FIRE SCIENCE

We are Greens MPs, candidates, members, and supporters because we want politics to change. We’re sick of the influence of corporations and vested interests that are threatening the very integrity of our democracy and damaging our planet.

This Federal Election is turning into the Climate Change Election and highlights how both our climate and environment under threat. Greens recognise that good economic management means taking care of our planet. We have a plan for Protecting our Environment which can be found here:

Our party’s Renewable Energy policy could be the deciding factor for many voters. The Greens Renew Australia Plan is here:

We can make all this happen through our campaigning and our support.

Yours in solidarity with all life on Earth.

Header photo: Students Strike 4 Climate at Stirling Gardens, Perth. Chris Johansen

Text photo: Forests for Life protest at Parliament House on 4th May. Viv Glance

[Opinions expressed are those of the author and not official policy of Greens WA]