Green Issue: Editorial August 2021


By The Green Issue Editors

Young people without financial inheritance are finding it increasingly difficult to access adequately remunerative employment, to fund housing, education, transport and other basic living costs. As climate change sets in these problems will undoubtedly magnify, affecting younger generations proportionately more than the older generations who have largely contributed to this problem. It is thus argued that society as a whole, supposedly represented by government, has a duty of care to younger generations in ensuring their future prospects. A particular problem is the rapid expansion of the gig economy, as exemplified by the hospitality sector.

We are all well aware of our deteriorating environment but we now have the tools to quantify it and thus help plan how to halt and reverse this deterioration. WA was at the forefront of developing satellite monitoring technology but of late its use seems to have been swept under a government carpet.

Along with COVID-19, recent newscasts have been full of reports of the evacuation of Afghanistan, as if it is a surprise occurrence. For those more elderly among us we are reminded of the somewhat similar defeat and evacuation of Vietnam some 45 years ago.

In the recent change to WA’s federal electorate boundaries the electorate of Stirling has disappeared. This has meant the dissolution of The Greens (WA) Stirling Regional Group, for which a farewell function was recently held.

Senator Rachel Siewert is leaving the Senate after 16 years of outstanding service, especially on behalf of the most needy in our community, and it is with sadness, but with immense gratitude for her efforts, that we include her final report to GI. Senator Jordon Steele-John also updates on his recent efforts, especially in trying to maintain the original intention and integrity of the NDIS. And Brad Pettitt updates on how he is settling in as the lone Greens member in the WA Legislative Council.

Header photo: A young woman glues her hands to the pavement next to a burning pram outside Parliament House in Canberra, during an Extinction Rebellion climate protest on 10th August. Credit: Extinction Rebellion/AAP