Robin Chapple’s October Update

Promoting efforts to ban fracking and legislate end of life choices, and much more


By Hon. Robin Chapple, MLC for Mining and Pastoral

As we roll into the final stretch of Parliament for the year, looking back at the last couple of months of community action and Greens wins really is inspiring. Every activist, volunteer, organiser and citizen has been working hard to force the McGowan Labor Government to listen up when it comes to the issues we care about. I bet you’re at that stage when you’re looking forward to the Christmas break, and you deserve it after this effort. The only people looking forward to a holiday more would be the Government – if only to escape the relentless pressure that we are putting on them for a month! 

It’s been an intense couple of months – so let’s recap.

Fracking – huge rally at Parliament House to say NO

Anti-fracking rally Parlt HouseOctober saw us take to the steps of Parliament with hundreds of people from across WA to stand together against fracking. From Broome to Bridgetown, we saw farmers, families and traditional owners, all united in calling for a ban on Fracking in WA. I had the honour of tabling a petition of around 15,000 signatures, which were given to me in stacks of paper by kids – kids who will feel the full effect of climate change, only made worse by the disastrous impact of fracking if it is allowed to go ahead. This was a truly emotional moment, and we will do everything in our power to stop fracking from happening. You can keep up to date with the campaign by adding your name here:

Dying with Dignity

A little while ago the committee on End of Life Choices that I served on concluded its report, the result of which was to recommend that voluntary assisted dying become legal in WA. I’ve been working with people on this for decades – introducing a couple of Bills on it myself! – and let me tell you that we have never been this close to allowing choice and compassion for people at the end of their lives. That in itself is a victory, but we still have a way to go yet. We believe we could convince a majority of the Parliament to vote in favour, but it’s not guaranteed and we will have to work hard, all of us, to make sure the major party politicians hear what the community has to say. Some polls have support for dying with dignity in WA at 84%, so let’s make that known to the politicians. A particular highlight was to hear Margo Beilby share her story. You can hear what she had to say here:

Keeping busy

There have been so many other things going on, but I wanted to briefly draw your attention to two in particular: calling out the Government for their inaction on plastic pollution, and pointing out their damaging approach to environmental laws.

Thank you for all you do – and as always, my office is always open to you.

Header photo: Margo Beilby speaking to the press on dying with dignity, backed by Robin Chapple, Diane Evers and Tim Clifford. Liam Carter

Text photo: Greens MPs not very keen on fracking. Liam Carter