Green Issue Editorial December 2023


By the Green Issue Editors

Global concern during November-December has focused on the ongoing genocide in Gaza. In this issue we include a summary of the atrocities being committed. The Australian Government’s muted response to the obvious ethnic cleansing of Palestine, in both Gaza and the West Bank, is at least partially explained by the still inadequately acknowledged ethnic cleansing of Australia’s indigenous peoples from 1788.

In November, the High Court of Australia ruled that indefinite detention of refugees is invalid, initiating the release of those still detained. This has prompted conservative forces to unleash yet another refugee scare campaign, but has also unleashed passions proclaiming “refugees are welcome here”.

November-December also witnessed the annual United Nations Climate Conference, COP 28, held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Capture of the COP process was on full display with the outcomes feigning success in climate action but in reality delaying the needed rapid phase-out of fossil fuels, if the onset of climate change is to be curtailed.

Reporting on recent activities, as well as giving overall impressions from 2023, we have reports from Senator Dorinda Cox, Senator Jordon Steele-John and Dr Brad Pettitt MLC.

Header photo: Greens Senators expressing their view on the Gaza genocide