Green Issue Editorial February 2024


By the Green Issue Editors

The ongoing events in Gaza has cast a pall over all other issues that need to be addressed. We include an article summarizing recent events in Gaza and suggesting ways forward. Indeed, over the previous year we have seen a deterioration in many areas threatening humanity and the planet – increasing manifestation of climate change, prospects for expanded conflict in Europe and the Middle East, proliferation of nuclear weapons and threats to use them, the rise of artificial intelligence, and so on. The Doomsday Clock has been monitoring existential threats since World War 2 but, surprisingly, the minute hand did not move closer to midnight when it was time to reset the clock in January. Possible reasons for this are discussed.

The WA Labor Government has not moved on its commitments to address several issues faced by the LGBTQIA+ community. These shortcomings are highlighted herein. Turning policies into practice requires effective communication among stakeholders. We include an article giving tips on how to more effectively communicate with the public and politicians on issues of concern.

In reports from our MPs Senator Dorinda Cox highlights the lack of progress in Closing the Gap and advocates for much bolder action than hitherto taken. Senator Jordon Steele-John, having the portfolios for foreign affairs and peace, has been strongly advocating for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. He is also scrutinizing the NDIS Review and the Disability Royal Commission Report to determine how best to advocate improvements in these areas. Hon Brad Pettitt, MLC highlights problems in the proposed Climate Change Bill and Residential Tenancies Act and failed promises for LGBTQIA+ folks.

Header photo: Anti-Gaza War rally, Forrest Place, Perth, 26th January 2024

[Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not official policy of Greens WA]