Green Issue Editorial June 2023


By the Green Issue Editors

Our June 2023 Green Issue takes aim at several topics that definitely come under the heading of Very Big Issues Indeed. The cost-of-living pressures are being felt by huge numbers of people – in fact, probably just about everyone except the wealthy minority who are causing and benefitting from the problem. The pressures are coming from several places and we address two of the most important. Brett Montgomery presents possible ways of delivering more Affordable Health Care while Rob Delves ponders the criticisms directed at The Greens’ proposals to use rent controls to relieve the Affordable Rental Crisis (Rent Freezes and Pixie Dust)

Three articles deal with the major threats to human existence: nuclear war and climate change. In his article Defence against who, what? Chris Johansen argues that both AUKUS and the Australian Strategic Defence Review are contrary to the “sovereignty, security and prosperity” of Australia. ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) arranged a visit to parliament of atomic survivors to relate the lasting devastating effects of nuclear weapons testing and request Recognition, Respect and Repair. They also urged the government to sign the Treaty to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), to avoid such occurrences in future. Nicholas D’Alonzo explains why The 2023 EPA Greenhouse Gas Guidelines, although an improvement on what we’ve had before, are not even close to what is needed for 1.5oC.

Two other contributions focus on different Social Justice issues. Beverley Dight, an obvious Beatles fan, uses their much-loved All You Need is Love to suggest examples of much better and more loving ways to heal the trauma of the young people in Banksia Hill. Finally, we welcome Janet Parker from the Refugee Rights Action Network and her reflections on the injustices imposed on refugees over the 10 years too long since the reinstatement of offshore processing for refugees arriving by boat.

Almost from its very first days, Green Issue has been one of the main channels of communication to our members and supporters from our WA “Pollies.” We are in awe of the commitment by Brad Pettitt to handle the workload of being our sole state MP. However, we also acknowledge the range of portfolios that our Federal MPs Dorinda and Jordon, have to cope with, in addition to the burden of long journeys to and from Canberra. This wide range is obvious in the reports to our June Green Issue and we thank them for taking the time to keep us up to date.

We hope you enjoy reading these contributions as much as we have enjoyed searching them out. As always we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future themes and topics.

Header photo: Senator Dorinda Cox celebrating with family, friends and parliamentary colleagues outside the Senate after the Voice Referendum legislation passed.