Hi, I’m Eric! I’m proud to be running as your Greens candidate for Tangney in the federal election and for the seat of Cannington in the WA state election.
I’m a postgraduate researcher at UWA, with previous experience as a primary and highschool teacher, and also as a solicitor with Legal Aid.
I have always supported equality for all and freedom from discrimination, which led me to study law. In 1991, I became the first Aboriginal person from the South West of WA to obtain a law degree from the University of Western Australia. I went on in my career to support vulnerable clients to stand up against discrimination, and encourage others to do the same.
I believe in Truth Telling about Indigenous histories and am passionate about the environment – especially the health of the mighty Canning River. As a teenager you could often find me swimming in the Kent Street Weir, where friends and family caught marron and chased prawns.
While the major parties are concerned about corporate profits and budget surpluses, the Greens are the only party who care about everyone doing it tough during this once-in-a-generation cost of living crisis.
A vote for the Greens sends a message that more needs to be done on social housing, bringing mental and dental health into Medicare and protecting the environment for future generations.
Join me in my call for a healthy environment, social justice and a fair go for all. Vote 1 Greens.