Georgia Beardman

Candidate for Forrest

Hi, I’m Georgia!

I’m a greyhound mum, social worker, community organiser, climate justice researcher, and occasional marriage celebrant. I’m so excited to be your Greens candidate for the federal seat of Forrest in the upcoming election. 

Living in the only subsidised, affordable housing in Dunsborough, I’ve experienced first hand how important a safe, secure home can be in providing people the sense of stability they need to live a good life - and how scary it can be to have that stability pulled from under our feet. 

I’ve also seen first hand the power of people. When communities mobilise and connect over things they care about, they have the power to bring about real change. The seat of Forrest is ready for change. 

WA is facing a housing and cost of living crisis, and the major parties are tinkering around the edges, while handing $176 billion in tax handouts to wealthy property investors. 

We’re also bearing the brunt of climate change in the South West. As we grow accustomed to “once in a lifetime” fire seasons and heatwaves that are becoming the norm, Labor have approved 23 coal and gas projects since they got into government. 

Meanwhile, the supermarket duopoly continues to rip off farmers and gouge us at the checkout, all while the major parties take donations from Coles and Woolworths. 

The Greens have a plan: to fix housing, stop coal and gas projects, and to make supermarket price gouging illegal.

It won’t happen overnight, but the first step to changing things for the better is voting for someone who is fighting for it. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

This election, I’m fighting for change. I’d love to have you join me to help turn Forrest Green. Sign up to volunteer on our team! 

See you out there,
