Hi, I’m Jody and I’m thrilled to be your Greens candidate for brand at the federal election.
I’m a vocational education trainer who’s proud to call Kwinana my home.
Working with disadvantaged young people, I see firsthand how the major parties have created a terrifying future for these students. Severe poverty, housing insecurity, lack of mental health support and the need to take on a lifetime of debt just to access a tertiary education is not the legacy that I want to leave future generations.
In a rich country like Australia, we shouldn’t have to rely on charities to ensure people have access to basic essentials like food, education and shelter. The decisions of the major parties to give billions in handouts to big business and the fossil fuel sector – while ignoring the needs of our communities – continues to cause serious harm and deny people a fair go.
This election we have a real opportunity to get more Greens into parliament to push the government further and faster on issues that matter to us, like urgent action on the cost of living, housing and climate crises.
A better future for WA is possible – but we have to make it happen together.
If you want change, you have to vote for it.
See you out there!