Belco Busway

help us make belco's buses better!

Call for better bus lanes.

By signing this, you will also hear from us about our transport and planning campaigns from time to time.

A dedicated busway and more buses for Belconnen 

Belconnen deserves better, faster bus services. 

Canberra’s bus network sees 60,000 boardings each weekday, and more than 30% of these use the R2, R3 or R4 bus. 

But currently, these buses aren’t reaching their full potential, because they’re stuck in traffic on roads like College Street, Haydon Drive and Belconnen Way. 

Bottlenecks leave everyone stuck. 

While some parts of the Belconnen to City bus corridor have great bus priority (like Barry Drive), there are still major bottlenecks which leave cars stuck behind buses, and buses stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. 

We want to get Canberra’s busiest buses out of traffic by providing dedicated bus lanes in this important Belconnen to City bus corridor.  

By getting our busiest buses out of traffic we can shorten journey times and increase the number of services provided across Canberra, improving bus services for everyone, and helping traffic flows across the whole city. 

Sign the petition to tell the ACT Government you want better, faster buses between Belco and the City.