
Opinion: How should the ACT build the missing middle? Ft. Jo Clay MLA

5 April, 2023 - The Greens want a vibrant city where people can move around easily. We want to preserve our remaining habitat and make sure we have plenty of tr...

New Resident Judge for ACT Supreme Court

3 April, 2023 - Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury has today announced the appointment of Verity McWilliam as the new Resident Judge of the ACT Supreme Court. ...

New energy efficiency standard will support Canberra renters

31 March, 2023 - Rental homes across the ACT will now have to meet a minimum energy efficiency standard for ceiling insulation which will help keep Canberra hom...

How should we build Canberra’s missing middle?

30 March, 2023 - The ACT Greens today called for a Committee to consider inquiring into how we plan our city for growth in terms of medium-density developm...

The future of Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) in Australia

29 March, 2023 - Canberra continues to charge forward, officially going live with its world first project that demonstrates how V2G services can be technically ...

Let’s end modern slavery in the ACT

28 March, 2023 - Jo Clay MLA will table a bill to address the real but often hidden problem of modern slavery in the ACT.  “Slavery is not just a histor...

Professional engineer registration scheme now established in ACT

23 March, 2023 - The Professional Engineers Act 2023 was passed today in the ACT Legislative Assembly. Minister for Sustainable Building and Constructio...

ACT Region’s water quality reaches new heights in latest catchment health report

22 March, 2023 - The latest Catchment Health Indicator Program (CHIP) report shows that water quality across the ACT region has improved, making 2022 the best y...

ACT Government leads the way in strengthening renters’ rights with historic ban on ‘no cause’ evictions

21 March, 2023 - The ACT Government is leading the way in strengthening renters’ rights by becoming the first Australian jurisdiction to remove all forms of ten...


21 March, 2023 - Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is a time to reflect on our actions as individuals and as a soc...


17 March, 2023 - ACT Greens move to protect multiculturalism by fighting racism Andrew Braddock, ACT Greens Spokesperson for Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism...

Ceiling insulation added to Sustainable Household Scheme

14 March, 2023 - Ceiling insulation has been added to the list of eligible items covered by the ACT Government’s Sustainable Household Scheme (SHS). The SHS ...

Statement on the passing of Aunty Agnes

12 March, 2023 - The ACT Greens wish to express our sincere condolences to her family and the broader Ngunnawal and regional community at the passing of Au...

Older Canberrans were able to look after their mental health during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

6 March, 2023 - The Early Impact of COVID-19 and Lockdowns on Health Outcomes for older adults report, which was commissioned by the ACT Government, examined th...

Consultation on key elements of Canberra’s transition off fossil fuel gas

3 March, 2023 - Canberrans will be able to provide their feedback on proposals to prevent new gas network connections in the ACT as part of the Government’s pla...