
Planning Minister rams through planning decision despite years of community consultation: ACT Greens

7 August, 2020 - The ACT Greens have today expressed outrage and dismay at the ACT Planning Minister’s decision to again use his call-in powers to ram through a...

2020 Election: ACT Greens release major Drug Law Reform package to help end war on drugs

6 August, 2020 - The ACT Greens will today unveil a commitment to substantially reform the way drug use and dependency is dealt with in the Territory. This e...

Leadership needed to protect most vulnerable from gaming harm: ACT Greens

6 August, 2020 - As the COVID pandemic continues to impact our community, the Greens have today again called on the ACT Government to deliver a series of modest...

More investment needed to end homelessness in the ACT: Greens

5 August, 2020 - While welcoming further investments in public housing announced today by the ACT Government, the ACT Greens today underlined their commitment t...

National Homelessness Week: Greens call again on ACT Government to end homelessness in the ACT

3 August, 2020 - With Canberra’s winter well underway and the ongoing COVID pandemic increasing the risk of homelessness in our community, the ACT Greens have a...

New training courses to help learner drivers

3 August, 2020 - In an Australian-first, the ACT Government will now deliver new courses for learner drivers that are designed to keep young drivers, cyclists, ...

Ngunnawal language to open ACT Legislative Assembly a landmark moment in nation’s fight for First Nations’ voice

30 July, 2020 - Canberra’s local Indigenous Ngunnawal language has been formally introduced into the proceedings of the ACT’s parliament, following a successful...

Helping renters cut down on their energy bills

29 July, 2020 - The ACT Government has today expanded the ACT Home Energy Assessment Scheme to help lower power bills for renters by providing free in-home ener...

Test out an electric bike and make the switch

24 July, 2020 - You can now borrow an electric bike for up to two weeks. We’ve launched a new ACT Government initiative to help people test out electric bikes t...

ACT Greens back calls to raise the age of criminal responsibility

23 July, 2020 - The ACT Greens have today backed calls from a range of prominent community groups calling on the ACT Government to raise the age of criminal res...

Recognising the lived experience of Canberrans in birth documents

23 July, 2020 - Proposed legislation to give young transgender, intersex and gender diverse Canberrans more accessible pathways to change their given names and ...

When it comes to protecting our most vulnerable, where do ACT politicians stand? Pokies protections to go to a vote

23 July, 2020 - The Greens will today urge the other parties to vote in favour of reducing Canberra’s poker machine bet limits and to strengthen protections aga...

Building certifiers push a long time coming, but still undercooked

22 July, 2020 - The ACT Greens have today welcomed the ACT Government’s announcement that Government certifiers will be used to inspect large-scale residential ...