Clean Up Fish Farming


Together, let's protect our fragile marine ecosystems and stop the privatisation of Tasmania's coastline.

By signing this, you will also hear from us about our environment campaigns from time to time.

Tasmania’s coastal waters are being polluted, marine life is being driven to the brink of extinction, and our communities are being ignored – all because Labor and the Liberals refuse to stand up to the big salmon corporations.

The industrial fish farming industry is wreaking havoc on our fragile marine ecosystems and privatising our coastlines.

It’s polluting our waters, depleting oxygen levels, and putting the endangered Maugean skate at risk of extinction.

Meanwhile, local fishers and coastal communities are being sidelined while multinational salmon-farming corporations rake in massive profits.

The Greens are fighting to remove industrial fish farms from Macquarie Harbour, stop the expansion of destructive offshore salmon farming, and transition the industry to sustainable, land-based operations.

This will protect our marine life while guaranteeing every local fish farm worker a secure job in a sustainable future.

Labor and the Liberals continue to back the salmon industry at the expense of our environment and communities.

It’s time to put Tasmania’s future ahead of corporate profits.

Sign the petition now and tell the government: clean up the salmon farming industry!