End Consultancy Conflicts of Interest


It’s time to ban political donations from government contractors, stop the revolving door, and reinvest in expertise in our public service.

By signing this, you will hear from us about our democracy and economic campaigns from time to time.

Ban political donations from consultants and stop the revolving door.

For 9 years under the Liberal Government, the Australian public service was gutted.

That meant the Federal Government became reliant on advice from the Big 4 consulting firms – PwC, Deloitte, KPMG, and Ernst & Young – to develop public policy.

The PwC tax scandal that emerged last year showed everyday Australians just how broken and unethical this relationship has become.

This scandal has highlighted systemic conflicts of interest, the revolving door between politics and consultancies, and the neglect of our public service.

That’s why the Greens secured a Senate inquiry into the consulting industry last year, which just handed down its final report. Unfortunately, the modest recommendations from the Labor and Liberal MPs don’t go nearly far enough in tackling this crisis.

It shows just how captured both the major parties are by the vested interests of the Big 4 consulting firms.

The Greens are leading the fight against dodgy consultancies and big business. That’s why we are fighting to:

  • End political donations from any business that receives government contracts
  • Stop the revolving door between the Big 4 consulting firms and the halls of Parliament
  • Cut spending on consultancies by 15% each year for 5 years, pushing that money into revitalising public service expertise
  • Impose a genuine penalty on PwC for their fraudulent behaviour by banning them from all government contracts for 5 years
  • Lower the partnership cap for consulting firms to 100 and extend corporate reporting requirements to partnerships to improve transparency
  • Establish an independent consultancies regulator with teeth to impose penalties, set ethical standards, and maintain a register of consultants

The Australian public want to see real action from the Labor Government on this.

With your support, the Greens have already pressured the Government to halt outsourcing from the public service. But we can’t stop there.

Join our campaign to end conflicts of interests, ensure value for money from consulting contracts, and promote public sector regrowth after decades of neglect.