Free & Universal Mental Healthcare


Let's tax big corporations to fund the things we all need – like making it free to see a GP, dentist, nurse or psychologist when you need it.

By signing this, you will hear from us about our economic fairness and health campaigns from time to time.

If you’re putting off seeing a psychologist because you can’t afford it, you’re not alone.

The Labor Government cut subsidised psychologist appointments from 20 to 10. Since then, 24% of those who have needed to see one have avoided it due to cost.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Everyone should be able to see a psychologist if they need to.

It’s simple: mental healthcare should be free and unlimited under Medicare.

The Greens have a plan to do it:

  • Remove the cap on subsidised psychologist applications to make mental health sessions unlimited for everyone with a Medicare card.
  • Establish 1,000 free local health clinics across the country, so you can see a psychologist for free.
  • Remove barriers and increase choice by creating more pathways to mental healthcare plans and expanding the list of professionals you can see for that support.

There’s no one size fits all with mental health care.

But, under our plan, you’d have more options and easier access to get the support that works best for you.

People who access 10 sessions would save on average $860. For 20 sessions, they’d save $1,720.

All of this is possible if we make big tax-dodging corporations pay their fair share.

Join our campaign to make mental health free, unlimited and accessible for everyone.