Get Out of AUKUS


With AUKUS, the only guarantees are nuclear waste, taxpayer waste and a big fat nuclear target on Australia. We need to get out – now.

By signing this petition, you will also hear from us about our peace and defence campaigns from time to time.

Now that Donald Trump has his finger on the red button in Washington, he has also taken control of US marines, spy bases, bomber jets and nuclear submarines all across Australia.

As the US lurches further to the unpredictable right and the costs of AUKUS submarines spiral into the hundreds of billions, now is the time to end this dangerous gamble with our security.

Instead, the Albanese Labor Government is doubling down on its plans for nuclear submarines and giving Donald Trump a big bear hug while it does it.

This makes Australia less safe, and millions of Australians see this.

Does anyone seriously trust that Trump will put Australia’s interests ahead of his own?

In just the last year, Australia has already shovelled billions of dollars of public money to the US and UK as down payments on AUKUS nuclear submarines.

At the same time, the Albanese government signed a new AUKUS agreement that says neither the US or the UK are obliged to give us anything in return.

In fact...
the United States has said loud and clear that any plan for them to give Australia even a single nuclear submarine is subject to a Presidential veto. And they just elected Donald Trump.

And if the US does pull out, there is no way for Australia to claw back the billions we have already given to the US and UK.

Under AUKUS, its heads we lose and tails we lose.

With AUKUS, the only guarantees are nuclear waste, taxpayer waste and a big fat nuclear target on Australia.

Most Australians want independent foreign policy and a defence force that is actually about defending Australia, not acting as an arm of the US military. We don’t want Labor and the Coalition to drag us into the next US war.

The Albanese Government caved into the Liberals’ toxic AUKUS deal – and now we are paying the price.

Let’s end AUKUS and invest in peace and security not gamble it all on an erratic and dangerous US President and a handful of nuclear subs.