Just Test It


Adults should be trusted to make their own choices.

By signing this, you will also hear from us about our drug reform campaigns from time to time.

Let’s get real about pills.

The war on drugs has failed and, every year, young Australians lose their lives after taking dangerous pills.

The reality is that people will always choose to use drugs - in fact, almost half of all adults have used pills or party drugs.

The “tough on drugs” approach causes enormous harm and wastes emergency service resources.

Unlike the major parties, we see drug use as a health issue not a criminal issue, and that community based pill testing will save lives. We’ve seen this overseas and even at trials here in Australia, where the evidence shows that when people get better information about the potentially harmful ingredients in a pill, they’re far more likely to bin it. 

Under the Greens' plan:

  • Pill testing sites will be established all over the country where people can have their drugs tested for free to better understand the contents of their pills.
  • People will be able to have one-on-one consultations with trained counsellors at these pill testing sites.
  • An early warning system will complement the testing sites, so as many people as possible are alerted to potentially dangerous pills. 

Join our campaign and we’ll keep you updated on our progress, as we take our campaign to universities, neighbourhoods and Parliament House.