Lower the Voting Age


It's time to lower the voting age to 16 and take back power over the decisions that shape our future.

By signing this, you will also hear from us about our democracy and voting age campaigns.

Right now, millions of young people are rightly worried about their future.

We can't afford our rent, the climate crisis is spiralling out of control, and we're graduating with massive amounts of debt.

This is all contributing to serious anxiety and stress – but good luck getting a mental health appointment when you need one.

Meanwhile, the Labor Government has:

  • Approved over 30 coal and gas projects
  • Refused to make unlimited rent increases illegal
  • Cut the number of subsidised sessions with a psychologist from 20 to 10
  • Pledged to only wipe 20% of student debt (80% of a lifetime of debt is still a lifetime of debt!)

And we know Dutton's Liberals would only make things worse.

It's time for young people to have a real say in our future. It’s time to lower the voting age to 16.

Did you know?

The voting age is already 16 in Argentina, Austria, Bosnia, Brazil, Cuba, East Timor, Ecuador, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Malta, Nicaragua, Scotland and Wales. 

The Greens have been leading the campaign to lower the voting age since 2018, and now we need your voice to pressure the Government to act.

We are able to drive cars, work, enlist in the Defence Force, and serve our communities – yet have no democratic say in our own government,

We deserve a seat at the table.

Join our campaign to make this critical change and give young people a real say.