No Nuclear, No Coal & No Gas


Tell Labor and the Liberals that you won't fall for their distractions. Real climate action means clean, renewable energy now.

By signing this, you will hear from us about our climate campaign from time to time.

Let's send Labor and the Liberals a clear message.

Dutton’s nuclear plan would be a climate and environmental disaster, while Labor is using the fake fight over nuclear to distract from their latest round of coal and gas mine approvals.

When it comes to climate action, it’s getting harder to tell Labor and the Liberals apart.

Coal and gas are the biggest causes of the climate crisis, yet both the major parties take millions from polluting fossil fuel corporations. We must join together to fight back against Labor and the Liberals' attempts to distract us.

We need real climate action, and a clean energy plan to get us there – which means no more coal and gas.

It’s now clear that the Liberals are for nuclear, Labor is for more coal and gas, and the Greens are for clean renewables.

Did you know?

According to modeling done by the CSIRO, a large-scale nuclear power plant would produce electricity at twice the cost of renewable sources.

They can have a fake debate about building nuclear power stations in 30 years, but if they both keep opening more coal and gas mines in the meantime, the climate crisis will get worse and people will suffer.

We cannot wait.

Tell the major parties: No nuclear. No coal. No gas.