Protect Truth Tellers


No one should be put on trial for simply telling the truth. It's time for strong whistleblower protection laws.

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Fix our whistleblower protection laws.

The Australian Government has finally released a discussion paper for fixing whistleblower laws but there are some serious shortcomings. 

Join the Greens in calling on the Albanese Government to deliver whistleblower laws that will protect brave truth tellers.

The new whistleblower laws need to be strong enough to ensure whistleblowers can speak up for the good of all.

This means there needs to be a commission in the corner of whistleblowers, rewards for those who have risked everything to tell the truth, and laws that let whistleblowers get help to stand up for what’s right. 

The Government must also intervene to drop the prosecutions.

Did you know?

Right now, 2 high-profile whistleblowers are facing prison sentences in Australia. David McBride
told the truth about Australian war crimes in Afghanistan and has already been jailed for up to 5.5 years because our laws did not protect him, while Richard Boyle blew the whistle on the Tax Office’s equivalent of Robodebt and also faces a lengthy sentence.

The Greens are calling on the Labor Government to: 

  • Stop the prosecutions of genuine whistleblowers
  • Commit to strong whistleblower laws with:
    • A fully-funded whistleblower authority
    • A clear focus on the public interest
    • Financial support for whistleblowers