Stronger Paid Leave for Workers


Join the campaign for better workplace rights, improved pay, and more secure jobs.

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Workers deserve better access to paid time-off.

When it comes to hours of work, unpaid work, and access to paid leave, Australia has fallen far behind comparable economies and workers are suffering for it.

We are working longer hours and doing more unpaid overtime, while rates of pay have stagnated and leave entitlements have been frozen for decades.

It’s time to reassess our relationship with work for the 21st century.

The report of the Greens-led Select Committee on Work and Care recommended a range of reforms to leave and hours of work, including:

  • Beginning the move towards a 4-day work week
  • Extending paid leave to casual workers
  • Increasing paid parental leave to 52 weeks
  • Creating an enforceable right to disconnect – which the Greens have since secured in law!

Our win on securing the right to disconnect in law shows just how powerful the Greens can be in Parliament. Now all Australian workers have a legally-protected right to refuse to respond to unreasonable work calls and emails outside of their normal hours of work.

Can you join our campaign to fight for better pay, reduced hours of work, and greater access to paid leave for all workers?