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Labors Bill threatens the future of the NDIS and the rights of disabled people

Successive governments have long spread misinformation about our NDIS. Implying that it costs more than it should and encouraging funding cuts wherever possible. Disappointingly this tradition has been carried forward by Labor’s ‘Getting The NDIS Back On Track’ Bill.

The $9.3 billion Labor budget surplus comes at the expense of disabled people. This Bill is their thinly veiled foundation for future NDIS cuts, designed to achieve their treasury goals. Join our calls to stop Labor's Bill and ensure the future of the NDIS is: 

  • Equal and fair to access regardless of what category your disability falls into. Your ability to navigate through bureaucracy should not determine your access to supports or ability to stay on the scheme. 
  • Customisable on a case by case basis. There is no 'one size fits all' when it comes to disability. Supports should be based on individual needs and goals. 
  • Putting disabled people at the centre of decision making. Participants must always have the right to appeal decisions made about their supports and drive any changes made to our NDIS. Agency powers should never eclipse the rights of disabled people.

If enacted this Bill will make it impossible to achieve these goals. Disabled people worked too darn hard to establish the NDIS, to let the government strip it of everything it needs to thrive.

Together we have protected our NDIS countless times. Now we must save our NDIS from Labor's Bill to ensure it holds strong for generations of disabled people to come.