Shut Child Prisons


Every child deserves a second chance, yet children as young as 10 are locked up across Australia. It's time to shut all child prisons.

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Every child deserves a second chance and to be supported to grow up safe and strong with family and community.

But right now Australia is condemning yet another generation of children - the vast majority of them First Nations children - to lives scarred by the trauma of institutional abuse. 

Did you know?

Children as young as 10, some still with their baby teeth, are locked up right now in prisons across Australia.

Despite evidence of torture and abuse, despite a national outcry, despite Royal Commissions calling for prisons to be shut down, they remain open. 

The Greens have given notice of a draft Bill to shut the notorious Don Dale prison – and this is just the beginning.

It's time to shut every single child prison across Australia.