First Nations people have over 65,000 years worth of culture, country, language and connection to share.
It's time for all Australians to hear these truths in a culturally respectful and inclusive way.
A federal Truth and Justice Commission is vital in our collective healing journey. It would be an independent body responsible for:
- Trauma-informed, culturally safe processes to collect and record experiences of Australia’s First Nations people, led by First Nations people, from pre-colonisation through to the present.
- Supporting First Nations people to share their stories and have them appropriately recorded, as this is largely untold.
- Making recommendations about how we heal the ongoing pain and marginalisation of colonisation and embrace and record the vibrancy of over 65,000 years of culture
The Greens are proud to be leading this work. It can be a new chapter for the healing of our nation and charting a positive, inclusive future for all.
We all have a role to play when it comes to truth-telling.
So join us as we fight for Truth and Justice. Always was, always will be First Nations land.