Truth, Treaty, Justice


First Nations people have waited far too long. Join our campaign for Truth-telling, Treaty and Justice.

By signing this, you will hear from us about our First Nations justice campaigns from time to time.

It’s time to right the wrongs of the past and move forward together.

This is the moment for change.

Did you know?

The Greens have a Bill in the parliament for a Truth and Justice Commission. This is the first step on the path to Treaty.

First Nations people never ceded their sovereignty. This always was and always will be First Nations land.

It’s time to acknowledge and tell the truth about the great wrongs of our history since colonisation – the violence, the slavery, the Stolen Generations.

Successive governments have locked up kids, split families apart and overseen deaths in custody – these injustices continue to this day. 

We cannot change the past, but we can build a better future and that starts with bringing people together.

Treaty is a formal agreement between First Nations people and the Commonwealth Government that acknowledges sovereignty, protects rights and sets the underlying terms for First Nations people to negotiate with the Government moving forward.

Truth, Treaty and Justice is how this country will heal and move forward together. 

We are ready for change – let’s use this moment and momentum to make a tangible difference in the lives of First Nations people. 

Join the campaign for Truth, Treaty and Justice now.