The Australian Greens are kicking into gear for the next phase of our national plan to legalise cannabis.
Greens Senator David Shoebridge brought the Greens’ Legalising Cannabis Bill to a vote in the Senate in 2024, and Labor joined with the Coalition to vote it down.
This isn’t the end! We know there is a hunger for change.
The Greens will keep pushing in the next Parliament to make this law and finally legalise cannabis across Australia.
Our plan will let the public decide: if people want to spend more time and money on the failed war on drugs, or join with us to push for a new, exciting and sustainable industry.
If you can responsibly enjoy a beer, why not an infused tea or a fresh baked brownie? Adults should be trusted to make their own choices when it comes to cannabis.
This is going to be huge, and we need your help. Join our campaign and we’ll keep you updated on our progress, as we take our campaign to universities, neighbourhoods and then to a win in Parliament House.
Let's legalise it!