8 TED talks on democracy that you need to see


Emma Davidson

It's that time of year when TEDx events are happening in cities around Australia. During September, there will be independently organised TEDx events in Canberra, Sydney, Ipswich, Townsville, Brisbane, and Cairns, with plenty more coming in October and November. Here's a few TED and TEDx talks on democracy and politics from around the world - definitely ideas to challenge, inform, and inspire.

Alexander Betts spoke at TEDSummit in June 2016 about Brexit - why it happened, what it means, and what we need to do differently so that we don't leave anyone behind in globalisation.

Miriam Lyons spoke at TEDxCanberra in 2010 as Executive Director of The Centre for Policy Development. She talked about a new kind of politics that brings together self-interest and common interest to avoid either/or solutions.

Zak Ebhrahim was raised to believe that violence was an acceptable behaviour, but he has chosen a different path. He spoke at TED in 2014 about how he made that change.

Before Jonathan Sri was elected to the Brisbane City Council, he was a community worker and campaigner. You can hear his wordsmith and musical skills in his TEDxQUT in 2015.

Filmed in 2013 in New York City, Sally Kohn shares what she has learned about connecting with others and emotional correctness in under 6 minutes.

In 2007, Aaron Swartz askd Lawrence Lessig to help fix "a flaw at the core of the operating system of this democracy": campaign finance reform.

Jesse T. Martin has a degree in politics and international relations, and is a fighter in and out of the boxing ring. As the Director of the Streets Movement, Jesse talked about how boxing helps young men fight their way to a better world.

Professor Simon Jackman spoke at TEDxSydney in 2013 about polling averages and how big data can be used to enhance democracy.

Dr Rebecca Huntley is a social researcher who spoke at TEDxSydney in 2013 about not just what Australians think, but why.

Yanis Varoufakis is the former Minister of Finance for Greece, and is an economist. He shared his ideas for an authentic, healthy democracy at TEDGlobal Geneva in 2015.