Across the Pacific


Evan Davies (International Development Officer)

The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF) is a federation of national Green parties, social and environmental organisations from countries across Asia and the Pacific for realising the Global Greens Charter

The APGF currently has 11 member parties from Indonesia to Pakistan and Mongolia and with a number of other parties in the process of joining including from the Solomon Islands, PNG and Bangladesh. Supporting all of APGF activities is the hard working Secretariat, managed by APGF Secretary Claire Waghorn-Lees, and supported by Saima Gui, who is a trainee with the APGF.

We asked Claire and Saima a few questions about their role and what excites them most about working with the APGF.

Claire Waghorn-Lees

Role: APGF Secretary

Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

How long have you been involved in APGF?

One year as the APGF Secretary, and three years prior to that as the New Zealand's International Secretary.

What were you doing before you were working with APGF?

Working for the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand in parliament, and before that for the New Zealand High Commission in New Delhi.

What do you do in your role on a day to day basis?

Communicating, supporting and sharing resources, stories, and encouragement between the Green Parties in our region — from the Middle East, right up to Mongolia, through Japan, Korea, Taiwan, then South Asia with Pakistan, India, Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines. We are working on supporting more green parties in the Pacific region!

What is the most satisfying part of your job?

Knowing that our movement and values are truly global, and being constantly reminded of that. When domestic politics feels like an uphill battle, it just takes a moment to look at the commitment and energy from colleagues, sometimes in more challenging situations, sometimes making great progress in areas we never have, it's honestly an incredible privilege. 

What one thing that APGF is currently working on are you most excited about?  

Seeing the emergence of green political parties in the Pacific nations. It's such a genuine and natural fit — they have such great sustainability practices, live with such low carbon footprints, and I think our green kaupapa (family) can learn an awful lot from them. 

Where would you like to see APGF in five years?

I would love to see the APGF as a really solid organisation, with good processes and foundations, supporting lively sub-regional groups of green parties that work together on common issues with ease, support each other's growth, and mentor new parties into the federation. I would also like to see the organisation enable our green parties to have a distinct unified voice at regional forums.

Saima Gui

Role: APGF Trainee

Location: Jacobabad, Pakistan

How long have you been involved in APGF?

I joined APGF two years ago. I was a member of the APGF coordination committee then applied for the APGF trainee role.

What were you doing before you were working with APGF?

I am a socialist and was an active youth in my community working for youth and empowering women in my communities. I live in a very remote area of Sindh Pakistan where the education ratio is very poor so I tried my best to involve youth in career counselling activities, and mobilised many families to allow their girls to have an education. I was also a human rights defender.

What do you do in your role on a day to day basis?

I compose articles, and invite other members to share material (success stories, challenges and works that they are doing in their region) for the APGF newsletter. On a daily basis, I update Social Media, I facilitate APGF members to develop their sharing in a technical form, I facilitate the Women's Network in promotion. 

What is the most satisfying part of your job?

I am overall satisfied from my job responsibilities but what is most satisfying that is coordination with other members. 

What one thing that APGF is currently working on are you most excited about?  

Women's Network is a really good initiative where women rights will be protected and more women can be involved. The other exciting theme is climate change which is the need of the era because these days globally there are climate changes all over the globe so therefore to work for climate change is most necessary. 

Where would you like to see APGF in 5 years?

  • APGF will be having a large number of members and a strong group of women and youth will be developed.
  • APGF volunteers increased.
  • More number of main themes would be covered.
  • Strong network and coordination.
  • APGF would have created many opportunities and possibilities.