Contribute to Green Magazine

Are you a passionate Greens supporter? Got something to say?

We welcome article submissions to our online Green Magazine, whether you want to write about what's been happening in your local group, branch or office; a thought-provoking piece about an issue; an article about a new way to organise; or a piece of research that might help the Greens in some way.

Articles should be between 800 and 2000 words, and ideally you'll supply an image, too. Please email all submissions to

By submitting to the magazine, you warrant that you own the copyright to the words and images you supply or, if they're not your own work, that you have permission to use them or that they are licensed under Creative Commons. You also acknowledge that the Greens reserve the right to edit all submissions for clarity and accuracy and also that submission is not a guarantee of publication.

By submitting an article for publication, you should note that, if approved for publishing, the article will be included in the Green Magazine section of our website for a period of 12 months, and this page will be linked by an email to approximately 250,000 recipients comprising members and supporters. We may also wish to promote our magazine using an advertisement of your article via various social media channels such as the Australian Greens’ Facebook page. If you do not wish for your article to be used in this way on social media you should include a statement to this effect when submitting your article. You should also note that The Australians Greens cannot be held responsible for the outcomes of the publication of your article, including but not limited to any potential targeting by online trolls. Please contact us at for more information or further clarification.

We will endeavour to respond to all submissions within seven days with an indication of whether publication is likely.

The Greens is a grassroots organisation that relies on people like you. Thanks for getting involved!