Heating up


Rosanne Bersten


With an early election on the cards, we're gearing up for our first Day of Action Door Knock in the inner city on Saturday 30th April. We'll have events in Melbourne, Wills, Batman, Melbourne Ports and Higgins — RSVP here.

We know that one-on-one conversations are the most powerful way to shift votes and this Day of Action is an opportunity to talk to voters about issues that matter to them. 

If it is your first time door knocking, we'll make sure you get all the training you need & pair you up with someone more experienced. If you're already involved, this event is not to be missed - we need all hands on deck.

If you can't make the day of action, sign up to volunteer and we'll be in touch. 


Join us for our first door knocking day of action on April 30! We want to talk to hundreds of people in one day about the effects WestConnex will have on our communities, and introduce them to the Greens Campaign for Grayndler and our candidate Jim Casey. 

It's going to be an exciting day, and if you've never been door knocking before, this will be a great day to give it a go. The day is a joint project between the Grayndler and Sydney campaigns to put on as big an event as possible. 

We will be meeting in Sydney Park and will be speaking to people who would be directly affected by WestConnex. The Greens are the only party in parliament that opposes WestConnex. 

The NSW Government has just given planning approval to Stage 2 of WestConnex, the New M5. This project is disastrous for our communities, and the environment. It's urgent that we speak to the local community now.

We're aiming to have 100 people door knocking on the day - will you be one of them? 

Then on May 1, join the NSW Greens contingent in the streets for May Day.

May Day started over a century ago in 1886 after police opened fire on unionists in Chicago for daring to hold a public assembly about reasonable working hours. Since then, each year people have rallied around the world to celebrate the achievements of the working class, to support campaigns for equality, peace and justice and to fight for wins like the eight hour day, worker's compensation, the minimum wage, annual leave, and penalty rates.


The campaign is well underway in Tassie, with our campaign office and call centre up and running in Hobart and just about to happen in Launceston. With a fantastic senate ticket of Peter Whish-Wilson, Nick McKim and Anna Reynolds backed up by a great team of lower house candidates who balance experience and energy, the Tasmanian Greens are ready for anything this election can throw at us.

Our members and supporters are excited to take part in the biggest and most data-driven field campaign we've ever run at a federal election in this state. In the north, the Bass campaign are already running doorknocks, with one lined up in South Launceston for this weekend. In the south, Senator Nick McKim recently held a day of action around energy conservation in response to the current power crisis in Tasmania with dozens of volunteers hitting the streets. And our candidates in the south of the state, Martine Delaney for Franklin and Jen Brown for Denison, are having their launches next Saturday and Sunday the 6th and 7th - with an eye to getting more people than ever before out campaigning for the Greens.


In SA we are recruiting hard, but having fun. After the May Day rally on Saturday morning, the Young Greens are joining our candidate for Mayo, Nathan Daniell, to go doorknocking and sample some of the local brews. While they're doing that, Senator Simms is joining Makin candidate Keiran Snape in the north of Adelaide as he launches his doorknocking campaign. During the week we'll be calling members and supporters inviting them to come on board and get involved.

The next weekend our candidates for Sturt and Mayo have organised tours of the amazing Earthship Ironbank. An Earthship is a type of passive solar house that is made of both natural and recycled materials - such as earth-packed tyres.

We're working with our doorknocking teams as we gear up for the National Day of Action on Marriage Equality on May 21st. We'll be hitting the streets in Mayo, Boothby and Adelaide, talking to voters about why the Prime Minister shoud drop the plebiscite and allow a free vote on marriage equality.


The ACT Greens are hosting a Budget night party to watch the Federal Budget being handed down. In the thick of our election campaign, we'll take a night out to be reminded of what's at stake and the importance of having more Greens in Federal Parliament.

Instead of watching the budget at home and throwing things at the television, we'll be watching together and getting excited about our campaign.

On the weekend, you can visit voters — it's when a team of Greens volunteers go out in their neighbourhood to speak to voters on their doorstep and listen to what is important to them. It's a great way to connect with voters and to hear what issues people care about.

Every session starts with a briefing and training, and you'll be provided with a script and other resources. You have the option of going visiting with another volunteer, and at the end there is a team debrief to get your feedback.

Or, if you're dreaming of a brighter, Greener future but hesitant about what that involves, the ACT Greens have got the training for you.

Each month, the ACT Greens host Campaign Skills 101 as an introduction to our 2016 campaign - and to give our volunteers the skills they need to make their mark on this election.


There are doorknocks happening in Curtin and Fremantle on Saturday, April 30 and in Perth on Sunday. If you're not up for walking or just prefer the phone, you can join a community calling session in Swan.

Also on Sunday, join us in Fremantle for a Very Green May Day. The Greens are committed to stand up for workers rights, gender pay equality and collective bargaining.

It has never been more important to put people before profit. Come take a stand with us and fly the Green flag for the 2016 May Day rally at Esplanade Reserve, Fremantle. Bring your best Green outfit and your largest marching voice! RSVP now.

Busy this weekend? There are many more events coming up. Check them out!


Queensland Greens are having a May Day march on May 2, to be different. Get involved with the crafting day on Saturday to make outfits and banners for the march, then show Queensland that the Greens support real jobs for workers!

We can no longer accept that there need be a dichotomy between real jobs and a sustainable environment. The Greens are as passionate about creating a real future for the workers of today and tomorrow as those who struggled to bring us the 8-hour working day. 

Our Greens senators have been crucial to ensuring that the government can't run roughshod over workers rights by re-introducing the Australian Building and Construction Commission. 

Bring the atmosphere — musicians, bring your kit to do your thing! RSVP


The NT has just preselected Todd Williams as the candidate for Solomon. 

Meet Todd at Greens Drinks on Friday April 29 at 5.30pm, Surf Club Lawns, Casuarina Coastal Reserve and join us for a chinwag with a cold beverage, and delish street food if you wish, as the sun sets over the sea. Contact: Grusha membership@nt.greens.org.au, 0426 871 426, 8945 6810.

Then on Saturday, April 30, join us for the Federal Campaign Workshop, at 10.30am - 11.30am at a member's home in Tiwi. For details contact: Justin, convenor@nt.greens.org.au, 0424 028 741.

On Sunday, come along to the Nightcliff Markets Greens Stall ~ Volunteers Needed!

Most Sundays, Between 8am and 2pm - Nightcliff Markets, Progress Drive, Nightcliff

Please put your name down for the roster: there are 9 Sundays before the election and we need more volunteers to share the joy and important task of spreading the Greens word. It isn't onerous and never difficult, and we do not expect you to know all our policies.

It's enjoyable to have two people rostered on, so please plump out our skeleton crew with a few hours. You might even get to hang with Todd!

Contact: Grusha, membership@nt.greens.org.au, 0426 871 426, 8945 6810.

NT Greens contingent in the May Day March - Monday 2nd May, 4pm Woods St Darwin