our current system - the one pushing so many of us into poverty and housing insecurity - has been designed by the government. That means our current system can be changed by the government. But we're not going to dismantle this system without a fight.
Leader of the Australian Greens
We can make a better world. It’s in our hands.
But to do that, we need to pitch in and get out there and work to build our power and push our movement forward.
When we get out and organise, build power and campaign we can create a better world.
That’s what we’ve done this year.
That’s how we’ve achieved important outcomes on issues like climate and housing. There’s still more to do, but we’re building our momentum and movement to change the world we live in.
And it’s never been more important. Our movement of working for a better world for all is in direct conflict with corporate greed. It’s driving the climate and cost of living crisis.
Both of these crises are being driven by the power of big corporations. The reason we’re facing the collapse of our planet and the demise of the social safety net is because big corporations have too much power and get too much special treatment.
We the people have been ripped off, sold out and left behind.
Now, people are being made homeless because they can’t keep up with the latest rent rises - but big banks are banking billions every year.
People can’t afford to fill their trolleys with the things they used to be able to, but the big supermarkets are making more money than ever before, and pushing up the costs of things people need.
And some people can’t afford to turn on the heater this winter, while big gas corporations make billions and are cooking our future at the same time.
In a rich country like Australia, no one should live in poverty. Everyone should have a secure roof over their head. And everyone should be able to afford healthy food. These are non-negotiable.
The current situation didn’t come about by magic.
The current system has been designed by the government and the current system can be changed by the government. Government inaction - failing to dismantle the corporate power - over markets, prices and over politics - is still action.
Now, CEOs are getting 15% pay rises - and they get a $9,000 tax cut through the stage three tax cuts.
That’s why we need you. We’re not going to dismantle this system without a fight.
In the last few weeks, we’ve been campaigning for renters. Across the country, people have been out door knocking and talking to people about our plan to freeze rents.
And people are backing us. Labor wants to stop our campaign. They claim that a rent freeze is impossible.
But everything's impossible until it’s not.
Thanks to our campaign to push the government the ALP announced a new $2 billion direct investment in social housing. In Victoria, the state government is responding to our campaign by looking at rent caps and reforming short stay accommodation.
Pressure works. Our power is building. We’re getting stronger.
We need to keep building.
We want to be the party who represents the interests of renters.
We want to be the party of young people whose future is being sold off and sold out.
Our plan is simple: we have popular policies that will actually help people.
We want to make sure no one lives in poverty, everyone can afford to pay the rent and keep a secure roof above their head and afford healthy food.
And we’re the only party who does.
It’s essential we keep fighting.
Join a doorknock and together, let’s change the system.