Lynn's Page


Hon Lynn MacLaren MLC

The sound of gravitational waves as interpreted by cellist Arianne Jacobs brightened a mid-winter morning in June, as I joined members of the physics community in celebrating the passing of a century since Einstein published his paper on the subject. The event was a triumph for the University of Western Australias School of Physics – another highpoint for WA science, just four months after the international spotlight was cast on our physicists as the first gravitational wave signal was detected at Gingins Gravity Discovery Centre.

At the end of June, I hosted Mandurahs first ever LGBTIQA+ public forum alongside Greens federal candidate for Canning Aeron Blundell-Camden. The forum provided the opportunity for LGBTIQA+ people living outside of the city to ask questions of our esteemed group of panellists, including Brian Greig from Australian Marriage Equality, Living Prouds Sandra Norman and RTRFMs Paul Van Leishout Hunt. Our MC for the night was the wonderful Elliot Sawers. Participants came from as far away as Bunbury and Australind. What emerged from the nights discussion was a need for more connectivity between community members in regional areas. So, were keen to host this again to help get them started.

The forum served as a prelude for the second Equal Love rally in Perth two days later, at which I made an impassioned plea for marriage equality now. It was uplifting to see so many turn out to show their support for the rights of every Australian to marry the person they love.

On the 4th of July, I attended the 240th anniversary of the Independence of the USA. As an American-Australian, it was the first time Id accepted the invitation to celebrate in Perth and I was delighted to make new friends and catch up with many Aussies I havent seen in a while including; Trish Langdon (COTA), Irina Catalini (WACOSS), Fremantle Cr Dave Coggin and his partner Gabriel, and the newly elected Anne Ally. Our host was Perths much-loved Consul General, Ms Cynthia A. Griffin, who has since sadly departed our shores for her next post.

For NAIDOC Week I joined young Aboriginal leaders and other elected members at the City of South Perth and was honoured to raise a flag during their ceremony.(The Aboriginal flag flying at local councils was a hot news topic thanks to the Shire of Carnarvons refusal to fly it.) It was an important week of reflection, particularly as the dreaded news emerged just days later that the WA Government intended to cease funding 'smaller remote communities in our States north.

I also met with residents of Victoria Park who had recently locked heads with the West Coast Eagles over their plan to chop down 98 mature trees at LathlainPark to make way for their new training ground. The residents anger was justified and reflected a wider problem for our State. The benefits to wellbeing provided by our tree canopy, including positive impacts on activity levels, mental outlook and community cohesion, is sadly overlooked too often. The residents fight is ongoing.

In mid-July, I was in the Supreme Court to hear the unfortunate judgement overturning the decision made in December to invalidate environmental approval afforded to the Roe 8 extension. The Save Beeliar Wetlands group is considering whether to file a High Court appeal. None of us are giving up. The other court case, brought by local Aboriginal elders, is still awaiting judgement.

Also in July, the banning of greyhound racing in NSW and ACT sparked a new campaign for us – we are collecting signatures to encourage the WA Government to ban this barbaric sport in our state too. We are working with Greens MPs across Australia on a national campaign. Thanks to Free the Hounds, I spoke in South Fremantle at a national rally to mark the Murdered Millions.

In late July, following a much-needed short break in Albany, our team held a strategic review. Looking forward, we are now preparing for my return to Parliament after the winter break.

Into early August and Homelessness Week, I pondered the devastating figures gathered through Fremantles first Registry Week during which St Patricks Community Support Centre and RUAH found a shocking average of three years of homelessness on our streets for families and five years for singles. I participated in ShelterWAs Homelessness Week Policy Debate, outlining Greens policies and highlighting the Affordable Housing Road Map launched during the federal election.

On that note, Id like to take this opportunity to congratulate Greens Senators Scott Ludlam and Rachel Siewert on their triumphant return to the Senate, as well as the campaign teams and volunteers who gave their time tirelessly to strengthening the Greens movement throughout the federal election period. 

 Photos: Header - Lynn campaigning for stronger GM crop regulation Photographer unknown; Lynn and Senator Rachel Siewert at the campaign launch for federal candidate for Canning Aeron Blundell-Camden Lynn MacLaren; Lynn speaks to media outside the Supreme Court following its judgement overturning the decision made in December to invalidate environmental approval afforded to the Roe 8 extension Lynn MacLaren