O-Week: Let's go!


Pat Dollard

Beyond the lectures and endless hours spent studying for exams, universities provide opportunities to become involved in your campus student union through various collectives and events, take your first step into activism and rally against the Government's attacks to tertiary education and welfare and to make new friends through a variety of different campus clubs.

Whether you're a keen Greens supporter or unsure if the Greens are really for you, one of the more than 25 Greens on Campus clubs is the place for you. For many students, it is here at an O-Week stall that we have first met a Greens supporter or taken our first steps to becoming involved in campaigning for a Greens candidate. Throughout the year campus Greens clubs hold a variety of different activities ranging from cross-campus social events, Q and As with elected representatives and activists, and campaigning both on and off campus.   

This year the Australian Young Greens - the network of campus and State-based young Greens groups for people 30 years of age and under — are embarking on our biggest O-Week yet. With a massive social media campaign across a variety of formats (find us on Instagram or Snapchat if you're so inclined!), stalls at more campuses than ever before and our annual O-Week publication we have something for everyone. Also be sure to grab some of our free merchandise, including our 'Sniff Off' bookmarks and our 'Highlighting Sexism' highlighters, designed by members of the AYG wom*ns group.   

Greens on Campus stalls will be held in campuses across seven states and territories this year. Below a short list of where you can find us:


Whether you're studying in the north or the south of Tasmania the Tasmanian Young Greens will have stalls at their Launceston (23 February) and Hobart (24 February) campuses. 


Throughout the last week of February you can find Victorian Greens on Campus stalls at the University of Melbourne, Latrobe (Bundoora), Swinburne University and Deakin's Waurn Ponds and Warrnambool Campuses.  The RMIT Greens will have their club stall a bit later on 3 March. 

New South Wales

Greens clubs will be having stalls at both the University of Sydney and the University of NSW campuses in the last week of February. Outside of Sydney, Greens on Campus clubs can be found at Newcastle University and at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga and Albury.  

Australian Capital Territory

At the time of writing both the Australian National University and University of Canberra have just had their club days, both of which were massive successes. If you wish to get involved in either group get in touch with them on campus.

Western Australia

For details on where you can find your campus Greens club, or how to get involved in the WA Young Greens please send them a message. 


Griffith students can find their Greens club at Nathan (23 February and 3 March), Logan (February 24), South Bank (29 February) and Mount Gravatt (1 March).  If you are at the University of Queensland you can find your Greens club at both the St Lucia and Gatton campuses, while for students studying in the Far North you can find Greens club stalls at James Cook University in both Cairns and Townsville.

South Australia

The SA Young Greens can be found at Flinders University between February 22 to 25, and at the University of South Australia at Clubsfest in March. If you are an Adelaide University student you can join the newly formed club on 23 February.   

Wherever you are

With an upcoming Federal Election, Local Government elections in a number of states, and territory elections in the ACT and NT 2016 is shaping up to be a massive year for the AYG, many of whom are running as candidates and taking on campaign roles. This year, the AYG will be embarking on a number of campaigns on issues including free education and renters rights. As we did in 2013, we will be commencing an Enrol to Vote campaign, involving a combination of social media and on-the-ground campaigning.  

If you have any questions about how to get involved in your campus Greens group or in the Australian Young Greens feel free to send a message to the Australian Young Greens facebook page or email me at pdollard93@gmail.com.

Pat Dollard is one of the Australian Young Greens Co-Campaign Coordinators.  

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