Thank you for your support


Giz Watson and Penny Allman-Payne (Australian Greens Co-Convenors)

As the festive season approaches it's time to reflect on the year and send out thanks.

Just a month ago we held a highly successful national conference in Adelaide in the unique and spacious German Club. Many thanks again to the SA team, and in particular SA State Director, Clare Quinn, for being such great hosts. Thank you also to our secretary Alex Schlotzer for doing the lion's share of the preparation for what was a complex three-day event. Many people commented on the variety of discussions and workshops; the excellent panel sessions; and the willingness and enthusiasm of members to debate contentious issues in a spirit of cooperation.

Our National Council continues to function well now that we have bedded down the processes necessary for a more efficient and coordinated organising body. National Council now meets each month to conduct Australian Greens' business of administering the party and running national campaigns, as well as providing a stronger link with our Federal MPs. The mix of experienced and newer members on Council will ensure continuity as well as providing for new energy and ideas. Obviously next year is going to be a big one with an impending Federal election. We are pleased to report that the Australian Greens are better organised than ever before to get our sitting MPs re-elected and some new ones too!

On behalf of the members we want to give a huge thank you to all the Australian Greens staff who contribute well over and above the hours that they're actually paid for! To Brett Constable our National Manager; to Helen Thompson our Finance Officer; to Susan Griffiths-Sussems our National Fundraising Coordinator; to Rosanne Bersten our National Communications Coordinator; to Mark Quinn our National Office Manager; to Andrew Cormick-Dockery our Online Systems Coordinator; Evan Davies our International Development Officer; Ogy Simic our Campaign Coordinator; John Twyman our Systems Liaison Coordinator; Ben Cronly our Call Centre Team Leader and Seamus Lee our Temp Online Systems Coordinator – thank you for all that you do.

This past year has been a year of developing, consolidating and honing our skills and capacity.

An amazing amount of time, thought and effort has gone into reviewing and renewing our policies in preparation for the next election. This wouldn't have been possible without the hard work of Catherine Garner and the policy working group – and let's not forget that final policy positions are decided by consensus, a very high bar to reach agreement.

We've also continued to provide training and skill sharing, with a particular emphasis on engaging new members. An energetic and highly successful Campaign Hothouse was run in Melbourne in August with hundreds of attendees. Many thanks to Holly Hammond and her team of helpers. Events like this and workshops held in the various States ensure we are building a vibrant, skilled and empowered membership.

Our fundraising over 2015 has been effective and we will continue to refine the best ways to gather financial support from our members and supporters. 

In the last 12 months we have run many great (and successful!) election campaigns around the country, in State and local government and in by-elections. We go from strength to strength in our campaigning – employing excellent research, targeted campaigning, an emphasis on direct contact with voters and the best use of all the various methods of electronic communication available to us. 

But above all, our strength lies in our vibrant and growing group of members and supporters out on the streets, on the phones, at events - offering hope for a brighter, healthier future – and what better demonstration than the sea of Greens at the recent People's Climate Marches around the country! 

As the year winds down, we wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday season. Rest up everyone, because next year we have much to do!

Read the full Co-convenors' annual report