
1 // We kicked off the year with our highest ever vote in Queensland!


2 // We joined with doctors, nurses and thousands of australians to defeat the liberal government's attempts to introduce GP co-payment and punish the sick.


3 // We farewelled Greens champion Christine Milne and welcomed our new Greens MPs leadership team Richard Di Natale, Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam.


4 // We campaigned with the community to force the Liberal government to scrap its plans to repeal s18c of our Racial Discrimination Act.


5 // We reversed an unfair Howard-era pension decision to target payments to those who need support the most.


6 // We joined with tens of thousands of Australians to #lightupthedark for refugees 


7 // We campaigned with students, lecturers, parents and the community to defeat the Liberal party's attempts to jack up university fees.


8 // We kept up the pressure in parliament on the streets for the government to end marriage discrimination and allow all love to be recognised under the law.


9 // We launched our #StrongEnough initiative and called on the government to welcome refugees from syria. And they did.


10 // We secured Australia's first ever national register of foreign-owned water entitlements to ensure that if our precious land is sold, it must be in the national interest.


11 // We launched our #RenewAustralia policy to transition australia to 90 per cent clean energy by 2030.


12 // We joined incredible activists in parliament house calling for the Liberal government to catch up with the rest of the world and embrace a clean energy future & Richard Di Natale and Larissa Waters went to the global climate talks in Paris.

13 // After a long campaign with incredible community activists we defeated the Perth freight link!


14 // We introduced Greens amendments that ensured big businesses like Glencore, NewsLimited and Transfield would have to disclose the tax they did (or didn't!) pay to the Australian people.


15 // We are ready for a massive 2016 election year with 13,000 members and over 14,000 generous donors.