The anti-government Morrison government a recipe for chaos on covid and climate


Greens acting Leader, Nick McKim says the confusion and mismanagement of the pandemic on a Federal level is symptomatic of a Government led by people who want government to do as little as possible.

The Morrison-Joyce ‘small government’ neoliberal ideology has contributed to failures on quarantine, vaccination rollout, aged care and massive pressure on state run health systems.

The Greens will take a message to the election that a better resourced, better run government willing to take responsibility for programs can do more to mitigate and adapt to the twin challenges of climate and covid. 

Quotes attributable to Greens acting leader Senator Nick McKim:

“Confusion continues around testing, vaccines for kids, aged care and isolation rules. Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce don’t really believe in government, and it shows.

"The Greens know that a democratic government can be a powerful force for good, and that the Australian people are becoming increasingly sick of a government that wants to outsource every responsibility.

“We should make big corporations and tycoons pay their fair share of tax so we can fund government programs to respond to the challenges of Covid and climate change.

“Australia deserves better than people who scream about wanting no government at all, while occupying the highest offices in the government.

“At every turn the neoliberal ideology has stopped us from taking action, from purpose-built quarantine to domestic mRNA vaccine production. The government always claims it's 'too hard', but really they would just ideologically prefer a corporation do it.

“We also need a government led response on climate. Market incentives alone are not going to move fast enough for Australia to do it’s part to meet the Paris goals for a safe climate."