Australian Greens Save the Koala Bill more important than ever after NSW Govt’s capitulation to National Party


In response to the NSW Government's new koala state environmental planning policy, Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“Letting the National Party dictate koala protection policy is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. 

“The Berejiklian Government’s capitulation to the Nationals will drive koalas closer to extinction. Koalas are already on track to be extinct in NSW by 2050. 

“Land clearing, degradation and fragmentation is the greatest threat to koalas. It must be stopped.

“Instead the NSW Government is planning to make it easier to bulldoze and log trees on forestry and agricultural land where most habitat destruction occurs. It’s completely nonsensical. 

“The Australian Greens Save the Koala Bill would stop land clearing of critical habitat and help save our national treasure.

“The new laws were debated in the Senate last month and referred to a Senate Inquiry. 

“If passed, these laws would prevent the Federal Environment Minister from approving new mines or developments in koala habitat.

“Right now, the Liberal and National Parties are failing to protect our precious wildlife. Off the back of the worst bushfires in history, no approvals for developments or logging on koala land should be given - not by NSW or the Morrison Government.”